We provide diverse services in the Trademarks field including:
Trademark Searches in more than 100 countries
Proprietor/ Owner/ Applicant searches
Drafting specification of goods and services
Trademark Application
International Registration under Madrid Agreement
Convention Trademark Filing in other countries
International Registrations (IR) designating India
Provisional Refusals response and handling
Trademark prosecution
Trademark registration
Trademark watch in more than 100 countries
Response to Office Action
Trademark hearings
Renewal services
Portfolio Management
Assignment Recordals
Licensing and Recordals
Due Diligence
Trademark Oppositions
Trademark Cancellations
Filing Requirements:
Trade Mark Application:
1. Name, address and nationality of the Applicant;
2. Representation of the trade mark;
3. List of goods and services;
4. List of Classes;
5. Date of first use of the mark in India, if any (alternatively, the mark may be filed and registered on the basis of intent to use);
6. Translation, Transliteration and Language of any non-English/ non-Hindi characters or words in the mark;
7. Priority application number, country and date, if any;
8. Certified copy of priority documents (with English translation), (may be filed within 2 months of Indian filing at no extra costs).
9. Power of Attorney (may be filed within 6 months at no extra costs)
Collective Trade Mark Application:
Name, address and nationality of the Applicant;
Representation of the trade mark;
List of goods and services;
List of Classes;
Date of first use of the mark in India, if any (alternatively, the mark may be filed and registered on the basis of intent to use);
Translation, Transliteration and Language of any non-English/ non-Hindi characters or words in the mark;
Priority application number, country and date, if any;
Certified copy of priority documents (with English translation), (may be filed within 2 months of Indian filing at no extra costs).
Power of Attorney (may be filed within 6 months at no extra costs);
A statement of case setting out the grounds on which the applicant relies in support of the application.
Regulations governing the use of the mark (with English Translation). The regulations must specify:
The name of the association of persons and their respective office addresses;
The object of the association;
The details of members;
The conditions for membership and relation of each member with the group;
The persons authorised to use the mark and the nature of control the applicant exercise over the use of
The collective mark;
The conditions governing use of the collective mark, including sanctions;
The procedure for dealing with appeals against the use of the collective mark;
Such other relevant particulars as may be called for by the Registrar.
Trade Mark Opposition:
List of corresponding trade mark registrations/ pending applications in all countries (including word mark, figurative mark, device mark etc containing the mark in all countries and classes with registration/ application numbers);
The date of adoption of the mark;
The date of first use of the mark (anywhere in the world) and subsequent foreign use, publicity etc;
List of countries where the mark has been used;
Details of any pending/ registered Indian Trade mark Application except those filed by us;
Details of use of trade mark in India, if any including date of first use;
Details of Advertisement of trade mark in India, if any;
List of TV Channels/ Newspapers/ Magazines/ International Publications etc where the mark has been advertised anywhere in the world, if any;
Details of any websites/ domain names similar to the mark owned by your Company;
List of countries where the mark has been held to be well-known;
Brief information on applicant company (like nature of business, year of formation, countries of operation, particular information about the trade mark which makes the mark well-known etc.);
Other information regarding the trade mark adoption, use, advertisement, protection etc.
Our Trademarks Team works for clients across all industries and from all countries. For more information on Trademarks, please refer to our IP Knowledge Base.