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Trademark Registration in Cochin


Cochin is the commercial capital of Kerala, as it lies in the strategic location on the seafaring route lying midway between Europe, Middle East and East Asia. It lures International investments and in recent times, a surge in development of IT and Pharmaceutical parks is observed, making it one of the fastest growing cities in India.


Trademark is an Intellectual Property, which ensures that the holder’s logo, or brand name is associated with his business or service and protects against others taking undue advantage of the same. 


Chadha & Chadha, an  Intellectual Property Law Firm based in Cochin and has its head office in New Delhi. We cater to all your trademark and Ip related needs with our expert trademark prosecution and litigation teams, ending all your worries. 


In case you need any assistance, in regard to Trademark Registration and other IP related matters in Chennai, please feel free to write us at





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