Trademark Registration in Gurgaon
Gurgaon is a prominent technology outsourcing and off-shoring hubs in South-Asia and one of the fastest growing cities in India. It homes plenty of Technology/IT enabled service industries, Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Industries and Pharmaceutical Companies. Proximity to the National capital, is an advantage to its infrastructure boost.
Trademark registration ensures that a person’s brand mark or logo can be defended in the court of law against infringers enriching on his goodwill and reputation.
Therefore, we at Chadha & Chadha, put in all our endeavors so that your valuable right is not put to a waste. What we strive to archive is excellence; therefore, we have, with our hardworking trademarks team, emerged as one of the most prominent IP firm in this region.
In case you need any assistance, in regard to Trademark Registration and other IP related matters in Gurgaon, please feel free to write us at gurgaon@candcip.com