Robotics Patents Team
The members of our Robotics team have extensive industry experience in diverse fields and prosecute patents in all field where Robotics finds its application, such as:
Electric Mobility
Underwater Robotics
Space Robotics
Intelligent Systems
Logistics and Production
Medical Science
Agricultural Robotics
Recreations and Sports
Military and Security
Industrial Automation
Artificial intelligence
Image processing
Control Technologies
The Indian Patent Law
Robotics is a branch of technology that deals with the design, construction, operation, structural disposition, manufacture and applications of Robots and is thereby related to the science of electronics, mechanics and software. Therefore, the related inventions are generally objected under section 3(k) and section 3(f) of the Act.
3 (k) states that 'mathematical methods, software programmes per se and algorithms are non patentable'.
Section 3(f) is applicable to hardware devices and states that 'the mere arrangement or rearrangement or duplication of known devices; is not an invention and hence is not patentable'.
Current Scenario in India
As consumer market is emerging India, wages are also rising and demand is increasing for quality goods, limitless opportunities for growth in Robotics are foreseen. India, being a home to some of the finest IT and software industry with a tremendous growth in field of automation, may find itself in a pioneer position in the field of Robotics.
Moreover, considering that India is already a manufacturing hub catering to the whole world, the use of robots in every aspect of manufacturing will provide the necessary edge to companies. Given that Robotics is fast entering into the industrial space in India, it is but natural that a lot of employment and entrepreneurship opportunities are opening up for people who wish to enter this growing and exciting field. As in all industries, growth will increase intense competition and foster increase in the patent activity.
Robotics Industry in India and Prospects
Having a sound patent plan can make the difference as many companies are aggressively making strides in driving the use of artificial intelligence and are also building their patent portfolio in India:
Hi-Tech Robotic Systemz, a pioneering global company based in India working in the field of Robotics holds more than 15 patents.
Pioneer Software companies in India such as Infosys, Wipro, TCS and Cognizent are being extremely aggressive on automation.
CEO of Cognizant has recently announced that the company is aiming a robotic automation drive
Cognizant has managed to infuse elements of machine learning, robotics automation and artificial intelligence in projects across 120 "strategic customers".
Over the next 12-24 months, Cognizant is also aiming to more than double that figure.
Thus, effective opportunities in the field of Robotics are foreseen and hence increased patent activity is expected for defending market space in Robotics technologies.